Art and artists have the ability to foster local pride and can help shape a community’s vision for its future. That’s why EFA supports creative placemaking—working in strategic partnership with residents to implement community-led change through arts and culture. We believe creativity has an integral role to play in revitalization and that by integrating art into civic life, societies can become more adaptable and more vibrant, with a greater capacity for problem-solving.
EFA backs arts-driven approaches to addressing the needs of geographic areas that have historically lacked strong philanthropic support, primarily Central Appalachia and the Black Belt of Alabama. By investing in these regions’ artistic projects and cultural assets, we aim to encourage collaboration, drive economic development, and improve quality of life for residents.
Organizations We Support
Alabama Black Belt:
Other Areas:
You can learn more about EFA’s work in these regions here:
Creative Placemaking in Central Appalachia: Understanding the Role of Arts and Culture in Appalachia's Culture Transition (Central Appalachian Network)
As the South Grows (NCRP/Grantmakers of Southern Progress)
Interested in submitting an idea for a project or program that aligns with the work of EFA’s Arts Program? Describe your idea in 250 words or less and we will contact you if we decide to move forward with it.