Make Democracy Work
EFA’s Make Democracy Work Program endeavors to repair and protect the pillars of a free, fair, and transparent democratic system with a focus on protecting and expanding voting access. Two examples of early grantmaking were providing support to the fight for fair districts in North Carolina and the work to re-enfranchise returning citizens in Florida.
Currently, we support grantee partners that are bolstering democratic participation among New American Majority populations and working for systemic change: this includes advocating for fair and nonpartisan redistricting, building durable community power, and advancing innovative, long-term solutions to the structural challenges facing American democracy.
Organizations We Support
North Carolina
West Virginia
National Groups
Interested in submitting an idea for a project or program that aligns with the work of EFA’s Make Democracy Work program? Describe your idea in 250 words or less and we will contact you if we decide to move forward with it.